Enlarged lymph node in hollow of right clavicle

Lymph node - Wikipedia, the free.
Neck lymph node enlargement causes - The.
Enlarged lymph node in hollow of right clavicle
Enlarged lymph node in hollow of right clavicle
Swollen lymph nodes above left clavicle.

My 8 year old daughter went to the doc on Monday and we discovered that she has enlarged nodes on the left side just above her clavicle. I'm currently waiting (not so
13.03.2009 · I have a enlarged lymph node above my clavidle on my left side and a really big swollen lymph node on the same side right below my clavicle between it and
Localized cervical lymph node enlargement - The area drained by the enlarged lymph node should be examined for pathology
Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes
Swollen Clavicle Lymph Node - Cancer?.
A lymph node is an oval-shaped organ of the immune system, distributed widely throughout the body including the armpit and stomach and linked by lymphatic vessels.
Swollen Clavicle Lymph Node - Cancer?. Lymph Node Locations - Picture, Diagram,. .