Can you take promethazine dm with sudafed

Can you get high off of promethazine?.
28.03.2010 · Best Answer: It is largely used as an anti allergic and anti emetic.Like all anti allergic oral preparations,promethazine also causes sedation and produces
24.01.2008 · Best Answer: Well i had been wondering the same thing cause i just came down with a bad cough and started taking mucinex dm and wasnt sure about nyquil so
Hey new here, I just got prescribed some Promethazine DM syrup, no ingredients to be found on the bottle and my internet research for the ingredients
Can I use Vicks Dayquil or Nyquil with.
Answer it depends, if its nyquill, then probley not a good idea ANOTHER ANSWER VICODIN (hydrocodone) is an anelgisic [pain killer]. But is also prescibed for cough
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Can you take Vicodin and cough syrup.
Can you take promethazine dm with sudafed
Drogerie AngeboteCan you take Vicodin and cough syrup.
Can you take Vicodin and cough syrup. BJC HealthCare Ask the Pharmacist About.
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